The Center for Parasitic Disease has a longstanding interest in STEM education and has been a participant in the Bay Area Science Festival for many years.

The Bay Area Science Festival is designed to engage attention, inspire interest, and ignite imagination across our community. The Festival seeks to:

  • Raise awareness of science in everyday life.
  • Engage young people in the fun, excite­ment and awe of science to inspire them to careers in science, technology, and engineering.
  • Enlighten Bay Area residents about the region’s vast science and technology assets.
  • Increase dialogue about science and technology throughout the region.
  • Encourage partnership and collaboration between the science and technology community and the public

The SEP can be contacted at

Science & Health Education Partnership
UCSF Box 0905
100 Medical Center Way
San Francisco, CA 94143
email: [email protected]
and their website:

The UCSF Science and Health Education Partnership (SEP) fosters interest in science, builds scientific literacy,
and advances diversity and inclusivity in science by connecting the scientific community and the public.
Their programs include the Bay Area Science Festival, classroom partnerships, science training for instructors,
and a wide variety of resources for STEM education.
In Fall 2018, the lab hosted a tour of its facilities with hands-on demonstrations. Dr. Sakanari and lab personnel
led a group of students through the Snail Room, a facility where part of a Schistosoma mansoni life cycle is maintained,
the main lab where students were able to observe the Worminator as it scored motility for high thoughput analysis,
and the students were able to specimens under the microscope.